089 76 73 66 0


»It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory « (W. Edwards Deming)

Ron Gorlick


(+49) 170 - 910 77 77

Self-Introduction. Your Motivation. Projects. Maximaio conem volor audam ventoratia dessi invelec.Maximaio conem volor audam ventoratia dessi invelec Maximaio conem volor audam ventoratia dessi invelec.Maximaio conem volor audam ventoratia dessi invelecMaximaio conem volor audam ventoratia dessi invelec.

Work Focus

Numerous organization- and culture development projects for large and mid-sized international companies
Team development processes and interventions, team coaching, coaching of individual managers
Rapid-Cycle change and GE Workouts
Communication and change management during large and medium-sized change projects
Development and implementation of training programs for managers and employees
Design und facilitation of large group events and diverse workshop methodologies

Questions? Contact us! +49 89 76 73 66 0