089 76 73 66 0


»Love it, change it or leave it!«

Dr. Jürgen Schüppel

Dr. oec. (HSG),
Diplom Kaufmann

(+49) 170 - 83 88 45 6

Self-Introduction. Your Motivation. Projects. Maximaio conem volor audam ventoratia dessi invelec.Maximaio conem volor audam ventoratia dessi invelec Maximaio conem volor audam ventoratia dessi invelec.Maximaio conem volor audam ventoratia dessi invelecMaximaio conem volor audam ventoratia dessi invelec.Maximaio conem volor audam ventoratia dessi invelec.

Work Focus

Development and execution of corporate management training programs
Project and change management
Strategy development and implementation
Process optimization and redesign
Planning and implementation of reorganizations
Team development measures, team and management coaching
Introduction of quality management programs (TQM, KVP, ISO, EFQM...)
Development and execution of business training programs

Questions? Contact us! +49 89 76 73 66 0