089 76 73 66 0


»Some wait for time to change, others take hold of it and act.«
(Dante Alighieri)

Carolin Graf

Diplom Psychologin

+49 151 – 171 39 877

Self-Introduction. Your Motivation. Projects. Maximaio conem volor audam ventoratia dessi invelec.Maximaio conem volor audam ventoratia dessi invelec Maximaio conem volor audam ventoratia dessi invelec.Maximaio conem volor audam ventoratia dessi invelecMaximaio .

Work Focus

Conception and realization of personnel and management development programs
Methods for team development
Management coaching, group and team coaching
Improvement of management skills
Lecturer on Coaching
Analysis and improvement of HR systems and processes
Development and realization of training in the area of soft skills

Questions? Contact us! +49 89 76 73 66 0